This website will help you improve the nutritional quality of the food eaten at lunchtime by children in your school.
The comprehensive resources provided, and the programme for you to follow are designed to be flexible and easy to use, involve and motivate the school community, and lead to continuing improvements that you will be able to measure and reward.
When you have logged in, follow the 3-step programme and use the online tools and downloadable resources to:
- Improve food choices at lunchtime - for school meals and packed lunches
- Assess and identify problem areas
- Update and implement your school's food policy
- Communicate effectively with pupils and parents
- Integrate and action healthy eating within your curriculum
- Measure and reward children's progress
- Evidence your school's healthy eating work
New tools make lunch audits easy, and fun!
New! Online audit tool for teachers. Simplifies the auditing of school meal choices and packed lunch provision and allows visual comparative evaluation over time. Data can be viewed by year group and key stage, as well as totals for the school. Helps identify problem areas and target resources.

The scrumptious new Lunch-o-Matic Memory Master children’s online audit game is a new online tool in which children themselves do the audit by recording what they ate for lunch. The interface is fun and easy to use, and can be used in class to stimulate discussion of issues surrounding healthy choices for both packed lunches and school meals.
News: Packed lunch leaflets to take home - more languages! The leaflets are now available in thirteen different languages - another four will be added by spring term 2009.

News: Rewarding healthy choices - with stickers, badges and certificates. Send in your suggestions for our new badge and sticker download facility, and get designs made for your school.
For more information, email [email protected] or phone